Opinion | Project Resistance and Nioh 2 | TGS 2019

With the Tokyo Games Show 2019 well under way, we now have several games that have had new trailers dropped for them. Two of these were Capcom’s Project Resistance, a spin-off from their highly successful Resident Evil series which has met with a less than favourable reception; and Nioh 2, the sequel to a surprisingly good Souls-like by Koei Tecmo.

Review | SoulCalibur VI – Honing the Blade

So here it it, the latest entry in the SoulCalibur series, part of a franchise that suffered some pretty devastating blows with the last couple of installments.  Now I ask myself, can this game restore the series to its former glory, or is it simply one last gasp before it disappears for good?  In this […]

Captain Marvel Trailer – Returning Home?

Marvel is finally ready to launch a movie with a female lead in the form of Captain Marvel, and to lay the groundwork and get people hyped, have released their first trailer. What, if anything, can we glean from the this brief glimpse at the studio’s newest super-heroine? What kind of person does the trailer […]

Octopath Traveler | Review … Sorta

Octopath Traveler is Square-Enix’s latest RPG, and was recently released for the Nintendo switch, and actually had quiet a bit of hype behind it, at least amongst RPG enthusiasts. So the question is, does it live up to that hype? Well, read on to find out… One thing note before we begin properly, is that […]

SDCC2018 | Titans Trailer

So … DC dropped the trailer for their Titans web series at San Diego Comic Con, and here I am about to give my thoughts on it, so beware of opinions. First, let’s give a little history of Titans, or to give them there original title, the Teen Titans. They were one of the original […]

My 10 Most Anticipate Videogames of 2018

What better way to follow-up my favourite games of the previous year, than with my most anticipated games of the coming year. With the gaming industry so full of controversy lately, I thought it might be a good idea to look at what might be some bright spots in the near future. Unlike the previous […]