Reaction | Street Fighter V: Champion Edition | Strike the Third

So, it’s been almost two years since the fine people at Capcom released the Arcade Edition of Street Fighter V, so clearly that means it’s high time that we go a brand new version!

Below are my initial thoughts on the announcement, along with my thoughts are the new character coming with it.

In short, my reaction is a bit muted, because I was not entirely sure what to think. Just as my reaction to Gill is to find him both weird and cool at the same time, my reaction to the Champion Edition has left me in a weird place between excited and not.

Whilst it’s cool that Capcom’s putting out a new edition to collect all of the released content for Street Fighter V thus far, none of it is stuff you can’t already get in other ways already, as content that is otherwise available is not included in the bundle. On top of that, existing players can apparently upgrade to this newest version without needing to buy the game seperately, although it’s only five dollars cheaper, so Capcom may be hedging their bets there.

I can only guess that the new editions is there to lure in new players who don’t already own a copy of Street Fighter V, but at the same time I can not help but think that anyone who is interested in this game already owns a copy. I suppose only time will tell if I am being overly cynical or not.

Until next time,


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